The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

Live in Laramie, WY. Founded Rocky Mountain Region Disaster Mental Health Institute & serve as President. Clinical Coordinator-Snowy Range Critical Incident Stress Management Team. Have deployed for national disasters as Disaster Mental Health Specialist. Authored & edited books on disaster mental health. Serve as Editorial Advisory Board Member & Book Reviewer for PsyCritiques. Life Member-Penn State Alumni Association, Alumni Admissions Volunteer, Life Member-Air Force Association. Following Graduation & Commissioning, served as US Air Force Officer (OTS Instructor, Squadron Commander, other positions). Served 11 years-Air Search & Rescue-Civil Air Patrol in WY (Sq Commander, Deputy Wing Commander, Air Operations, Master Observer). Six yrs-Masters Level Psychologist-Rural Clinics (State of Nevada) & Veterans Contract Counselor (NV). Worked as counselor in Phila. (3 yrs) & Program Coordinator-Community Action Programs (Office of Economic Opportunity)-Waco/McLennan County, TX (3 yrs). Enjoy fishing, hunting, hiking, camping, travel & the mountains. Over the years I have developed interests in archeology (especially Anasazi, Central & South America), anthropology & geology. My work on disasters has also peaked interests in weather, earthquakes, volcanoes, etc. Have maintained interests in astronomy & agriculture. Biggest Nittany Lion Fan in WY (his cousins live in mountains here).